Roll-Bag Converting Machines Hudson SharpRoll-Bag Converting Machines Hudson Sharp
Roll-Bag Converting Machines Hudson Sharp
Roll-Bag Converting Machines Hudson Sharp

Roll-Bag Converting Machines Hudson Sharp

The Hudson Sharp continuous motion machines are designed for high speed continuous production of high quality, interleaved, or connected (separated by perforation) bags-on-a-roll. This range of converting equipment provides cost effective production in a variety of applications, but most especially for institutional and retail garbage bags. Available in 2 widths for bottom and mixed seal, 840 and 1300 mm, last one also for draw tape bags.
Linear Speed
up to 185 m/min
Materials (films)
recycled LDPE/LLDPE 20-60 µm, HDPE 12-30 µm

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Your contact person

Ing. Dionýz Nagy, CSc.


Product examples: rollo bags with or without drawstring tape
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